Is the Bible more important than God? What comes first God or the Bible? Will you need a Bible in the kingdom of heaven? Do you think Christians put way to much importance on the Bible (The created thing) rather than the creator.
A need to rethink:
I would suggest we take a step back, and consider rethinking things a bit.
Sometimes our THINKING about a thing doesn't genuinely reflect the thing itself.
The Bible is... what exactly?
So what are we really talking about?
Are we really talking about a physical book of little pages we can toss into a glove box?
Or are we really talking about something far more metaphysical?
Aren't we really talking about God's own thoughts, divine eternal thoughts, thoughts which are themselves non-material, and which pass into our minds through other entities, called words, which are ALSO non-material.
We're really talking about non-material entities... strange and mystical things called thoughts.
Can God's eternal thoughts really be separated from Him?
If his eternal thoughts are eternal... then haven't they always been part of God, and haven't they always been?
And lets think about that... lets think about his eternal thoughts being PART of Him.
What IS this God we worship?
What IS he?
He is eternal.
He is a person (not a human person, but a person).
He is immaterial... having, and needing, no body.
What is a person with no body?
A mind.
God is spirit; God is unembodied mind.
Think about that, God is unembodied mind.
So, if God is unembodied mind... how much of the great unembodied mind would be thoughts?
How much of a mind is thoughts?
Can you have a mind without thoughts?
Can the two be separated at all?
The great unembodied mind cannot be separated from his eternal thoughts.
Christ was even called "the word made flesh".
Christ was called the logos made flesh... logos meaning both "words", and a kind of "intrinsic wisdom"
Christ was the "immaterial words" and the "immaterial thoughts" made into flesh.
Now do you see why?
Christ is the "words and thoughts made into flesh" because GOD IS MIND.
A philosophical discussion of the Godhead may sound unusual to some; so let's clarify a bit.
I'm not saying God is a brain, and I'm not saying God is a finite mind like MY mind or YOUR mind.
God is the infinite, eternal, all powerful, necessary being that must be, and he is immaterial.
The only words we have to describe that kind of entity are spirit, and mind.
When we say God is spirit, we are essentially saying God is unembodied mind.
Philosophically they can be used interchangeably.
So where does this end up?
God, who is eternal spirit, eternal mind, gave us a great gift.
God took some of his eternal thoughts, which are PART OF his eternal mind, and put them into words we could understand, and gave those to us.
Those words, those thoughts... they are, quite LITERALLY, PART OF HIM.
Let's think more highly of our Bibles.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.