Ah w*rk, the four letter word.
It didn't used to be so hard. Back in Eden (from what I hear) w*rk was like riding a bicycle - a little effort took you a long way. But when we broke the world with sin, the bicycle got a bent rim and now it takes a lot more effort to get anywhere.
I see it as each person's fair share of the effort it takes to live here in this broken world. Some people try to get around it by stealing from others. Some try to ensure their children won't have to do it by leaving a large trust fund. Some are disabled and can't do it and they live on government paychecks. Some could get a government paycheck but they have found a way to pull their own weight even though they are disabled. Some could do it but they got away with living on government paychecks anyway. Some can do it and they do, but very unwillingly and they complain about it every time you talk to them. But it has to be done by somebody, or everybody will starve to death.
Conversation a few years ago between me and a cow*rker:
EDDIE: "Man Isaac, I sure didn't want to come to w*rk today. I even talked to the good Lord about it."
ME: "That won't do no good man, God won't tell you something that goes against what the Bible says."
EDDIE: "Okay, what's the Bible say 'bout it?"
ME: "Well it says if a man doesn't w*rk, he doesn't eat."
EDDIE: "But I been working for thirty-five years!"
ME: "Yeah, and you been eating for thirty-five years. You wanna quit both of those now?"
EDDIE: "Man... Isaac... You're a hard man to talk to!"
Personally I seem to have a strong w*rk ethic. I stay busy when I am on the clock. This sometimes conflicts with my wallet, as my wallet keeps telling me I could be drawing certain tasks out a bit, but it just doesn't seem right.
I don't have much adjustment to make lately though. About half a month ago our store got bought by some guy in Nashville. Said guy proceeded to install more cameras and microphones, and I have it on good authority that he has a lot of screens all around his desk in his office and DOES pay attention. A lot of my cow*rkers are having to adapt to not checking their phones every five minutes and firing off text messages or facebook posts. Me? I haven't had to change anything.