Do any of you even know what the law is? It gets talked about a lot. Jesus said the law would last forever. What he accomplished on the cross was to remove the penalty from those who are saved by grace through faith in Jesus.
Matthew 5:17 and 18
17 Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them.
18 For truly I tell you, until the sky and earth pass away and perish, not one smallest letter nor one little hook [identifying certain Hebrew letters] will pass from the Law until all things [it foreshadows] are accomplished.
There are 613 laws as counted and enumerated by Maimonides.
In addition to the 10 commandments there are the laws scattered through the Torah. Maimonides counted and documented them. No one has found any more.
The 613 laws of God.
Discussion of the 613 laws of God
I asked this once.
If a Law says "thou shall not steal".
And another Law says don't steal from your brother. And another says Don't steal from a stranger.
Using honest and righteous judgment, how many laws are here? 1 or 3.
If you answer 3, then that would explain 613 laws you find on the internet.
But if you answer 1, you will see that the 613 different Laws is a deception to further the preaching that God's Laws are so unjust, so burdensome, so many in number, that it is impossible to follow them. If you actually read these 613 laws you will find the 613 number a myth.
Then I asked why this 613 laws number included many specific Laws only given to the Levites that no other man was allowed to partake of. A Priesthood that no longer exists on earth. Why would this number include Laws of God that the common man was never to partake of? If a person wanted to push the narrative above, they would increase the number by adding Laws that shouldn't be there in the first place. It is dishonest to do such a thing. But if you actually read this 613 laws you will find many that were only given to a specific tribe, not the common man.
Then I asked; "How many Laws are you required to follow in one day in America if you work for a living and drive to work?
Honestly count them one day. Property Taxes, income taxes, fire codes, association rules, insurance, vehicle codes, road signs, street markers, parking lots, signals, speed, side of the road, turning lanes, home owners insurance, building codes, seat belts, fire alarms, child seats, dog ordinances, ID, insurance card, licenses.
I could go on and on. The sheer number of Laws that an American had to comply with to stay out of trouble even for one day is staggering.
God's requirements for His people pales in comparison to the sheer number of Laws a person is subject to in America. But not a peep about that. Instead someone creates a fictitious number of Commandments from God and uses it to convince men, as the Serpent convinced Eve, that God's instructions are so grievous and burdensome she can only be "FREE" by rejecting them.
I believe this is why God, nor His Son ever mentioned such an egregious number, because it never existed until some religious man created it to further some religious tradition.
So your statement that there is 613 Laws required by God for man in the OT is simply not true.
Look for yourself.