No hiatal hernia or IBS yet. Lactose intollerance causes DJD I think. no milk for cartlige and bones. It makes sense to me would cause osteo arthritis and DJD and disc disease too. Seems to me growing up in Watts & breathing leaded air growing up and copd would go hand in hand. Doctors are still behind the curve but as Dylan said 'You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.'
Are you on oxygen yet? my dad was from breathing asbestos. They had to tear down and relag the boilers and pressure cookers every year.
I took opioids for years, I didn't know tollerance was the first sign of addiction when they wouldn't do the trick any more I'd wash them down with Rum and smoke a joint. I realized what I had become and started going to 12 step meetings but the agnostic approach seemed like a lie to me. I started going to christian 12 step meetings then discovered Celebrate Recovery I can deal with that and believe it. Very important to me to believe. A.A. seems like a false relegion to me now. I got involved in Dual Recovery Anon. To serve the mentally ill, addicts & alcoholics that live in the L.A. river in tents and under bridges. That's how I got re-involved in counseling and we got people out of the river and into recovery homes thank Jesus... The problem was the county was financing the river project so we could say higher power but not Jesus Christ what kind of

was that? and we couldn't discriminate against or segregate them either even if hey had aids, consumer/counselor confidentiality ya know.
I told another counselor I thought people with aids who keep having sex had Malignant Antisocial Personality Disorder and should be locked up , for public safety. He wanted my job and snitched on me. The atheists think sex was normal and abstenence is weird. They'd rather hand out needles and condoms than tell the truth. They fired me for being homophobic but I didn't mind so much, I was fed up and still had some hustle left. was going to L.B. City Coll. [under CSULB authority] which was weird 'cause the class schedules weren't intended for working people. A class in the morning and one in the eve one day none the next the 3 the day after till Arnold pulled the plug on paying the profs and they took a walk. Oh I served an internship with changing spirits which was a resedential program or native americans. It was hard to just bow my head and keep quiet while they raised their hands and prayed to the great spirit but I struggled through and got credit.
My sponsor had some dough, he was getting100% V.A. + Social Security and after meetings we'd still go down to the river between PCH and Ocean Blvd and do 12 step work. He'd buy sacks full of 99cent burgers and rolling tobacco and if they decided to check into county mental health, Redgate [a county detox] or the V.A. we'd take 'em and a DRA meeting mon-fri and free breakfast on sunday. We had a group of volenteers that were grateful and helped cook, make coffee and clean up. The city loaned us an old church that was on the demo list for being an eye sore. The city paid the light bill too. We were allowed to talk about god and our defence was step 2 came to believe...I miss that ministry. God worked mightily amoung the craziest, drunkest whores and vagabonds one can imagine. Gave them a purpose and reason to get clean, sober and sane ala the V.A. got him hooked on methodone but he was dying of cancer so at least he didn't die in pain. I'm gonna invite
@Jewel5712 @VincentG @tourist @dcontroversal @blue_ladybug and any one else in on this. I've gotta house sit tomorow without internet so I said my peace tonight Good night all and let all that have breath praise the Lord.