So God planted an analogy in my heart last night that I feel needs to be spoken specifically to parents or parents to be but really anyone it helps is fantastic 
So I really think God knew what he was doing when he made us, you know how when a baby gets old enough to start take their first steps and the parent is right there behind them guiding them holding them but also keeping their hands at a slight distance to let them try to walk on their own? Guiding them in the general direction to go and when they go the wrong way the parent gently guides them to the right way to go?
This is the very image of a parents role in life, the job of the parent is to guide their children in life always there for them in case the fall right behind them keeping their hands close but not to close as to not let their kids try to walk in life on their own two feet. But the kid will fall sometimes learning to be able to walk on their own feet and will sometimes walk in the wrong direction leading to something that could hurt them and the parent gently helps guide them to the right direction or when at times needed will swoop them up and place them on the right path to walk. Instead of keeping their kid in a crib they let them walk and wander and explore life but in a safe area of radius because everyone knows not let a kid wander to far away.
I may not have explained this best but it is just something I felt needed to be said
So I really think God knew what he was doing when he made us, you know how when a baby gets old enough to start take their first steps and the parent is right there behind them guiding them holding them but also keeping their hands at a slight distance to let them try to walk on their own? Guiding them in the general direction to go and when they go the wrong way the parent gently guides them to the right way to go?
This is the very image of a parents role in life, the job of the parent is to guide their children in life always there for them in case the fall right behind them keeping their hands close but not to close as to not let their kids try to walk in life on their own two feet. But the kid will fall sometimes learning to be able to walk on their own feet and will sometimes walk in the wrong direction leading to something that could hurt them and the parent gently helps guide them to the right direction or when at times needed will swoop them up and place them on the right path to walk. Instead of keeping their kid in a crib they let them walk and wander and explore life but in a safe area of radius because everyone knows not let a kid wander to far away.
I may not have explained this best but it is just something I felt needed to be said
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