Hello everyone,
In the last four years my sister has been a part of the Remnant Fellowship, a finge group of Judeo-Christians down in Tennessee. They do not believe in the trinity and believe that Jesus is a separate being from God the father. They also believe they are the true “remnant” mentioned in the bible and that all other forms of Christianity is “counterfeit”. I use quotes because this is from their own mouths. Research their statement of faith on their website: http://www.remnantfellowship.org/About-Our-Church/What-We-Believe/The-Essence-Of-God
My sister was lured in through the Weighdown Workshop. She lost over 100lbs doing it and it is what convinced her that this church is the ultimate truth.
For my wedding she was the matron of honour and her husband was a groomsman. Two months before the wedding she told me God was telling her that she should not be up at the alter with my husband and I because our beliefs were different and she could not support us by being in the wedding party, so her and her husband backed out. I was so heartbroken and upset. My mom is a part of that church too and she was upset by their decision, so she reached out to a leader and his response was along the lines of, “our members cannot be part of a non-Remnant wedding, especially matrons of honour. We will pray that your family (my husband and I) will break free from their counterfeit religion.”
The “counterfeit” is believing that Jesus, God and the Holy Soirit are one in the same being by the way. One holy being but three distinct persons.
After the wedding the left Canada and moved to Tennessee to be with the church because they believed God wanted them there and that there was nothing here for them.
This was less than a year ago with the wedding and he moving and they plan on being American citizens and staying in Tennessee with their two young kids.
I want to leave this topic open to the dangers of being lured into a promising looking belief system that offers transformation through a similar form of Christianity on the surface, but deep down at its roots they don’t really understand the free gift of grace. Remnant Fellowship thinks that all churches teach cheap grace and that in order to be holy we must be completely perfect and sinless. They also teach that you can live a sinless life here on earth through perfect obedience to the Father. The sacrifice of Jesus is not emphasized because he is a lesser being from God. They also “follow” the sabbath (loosely... calling church on Saturday sabbath is NOT sabbath) and feast days. Passover is a bigger deal than resurrection Sunday.
I’m in the process of trying to love and forgive my sister for all of this. I’m still deeply hurt and pray everyday for them, my mom included. It has caused some heavy division in my family between my brothers family and my dad. Please pray and advise how to moved forward, love and better minister to them.
In the last four years my sister has been a part of the Remnant Fellowship, a finge group of Judeo-Christians down in Tennessee. They do not believe in the trinity and believe that Jesus is a separate being from God the father. They also believe they are the true “remnant” mentioned in the bible and that all other forms of Christianity is “counterfeit”. I use quotes because this is from their own mouths. Research their statement of faith on their website: http://www.remnantfellowship.org/About-Our-Church/What-We-Believe/The-Essence-Of-God
My sister was lured in through the Weighdown Workshop. She lost over 100lbs doing it and it is what convinced her that this church is the ultimate truth.
For my wedding she was the matron of honour and her husband was a groomsman. Two months before the wedding she told me God was telling her that she should not be up at the alter with my husband and I because our beliefs were different and she could not support us by being in the wedding party, so her and her husband backed out. I was so heartbroken and upset. My mom is a part of that church too and she was upset by their decision, so she reached out to a leader and his response was along the lines of, “our members cannot be part of a non-Remnant wedding, especially matrons of honour. We will pray that your family (my husband and I) will break free from their counterfeit religion.”
The “counterfeit” is believing that Jesus, God and the Holy Soirit are one in the same being by the way. One holy being but three distinct persons.
After the wedding the left Canada and moved to Tennessee to be with the church because they believed God wanted them there and that there was nothing here for them.
This was less than a year ago with the wedding and he moving and they plan on being American citizens and staying in Tennessee with their two young kids.
I want to leave this topic open to the dangers of being lured into a promising looking belief system that offers transformation through a similar form of Christianity on the surface, but deep down at its roots they don’t really understand the free gift of grace. Remnant Fellowship thinks that all churches teach cheap grace and that in order to be holy we must be completely perfect and sinless. They also teach that you can live a sinless life here on earth through perfect obedience to the Father. The sacrifice of Jesus is not emphasized because he is a lesser being from God. They also “follow” the sabbath (loosely... calling church on Saturday sabbath is NOT sabbath) and feast days. Passover is a bigger deal than resurrection Sunday.
I’m in the process of trying to love and forgive my sister for all of this. I’m still deeply hurt and pray everyday for them, my mom included. It has caused some heavy division in my family between my brothers family and my dad. Please pray and advise how to moved forward, love and better minister to them.
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