There's been a quite a bit of flap in the media of late about a gender issue
called misogyny-- defined by Webster's as hatred of women --while very
little flap about misandry; defined by Webster's as hatred of men.
Apparently some people think it's wrong to say denigrating things about
women while conveniently ignoring that it's a double standard to think
it's okay to say denigrating things about men.
Well, I have to ask, since when did women become a protected species?
Women are not a protected species. There are just as many, if not more,
women idling away the time in hell as men because God holds both genders
equally accountable for their ways.
● Rom 2:9-11. .There will be trouble and distress for every human being
who does evil: for God does not show favoritism.
You man-hating women out there in cyberspace need to keep something in
mind. According to John 5:21-23 and Acts 17:31, Jesus has been assigned
the task of presiding over the great white throne event depicted at Rev
20:11-15, where you are going to be judged solely on the basis of your life
rather than the basis of your looks. Jesus will be neither influenced nor
impressed by the silkiness of your thighs nor the size of your bosoms; no, in
point of fact; he will be quite determined to disfigure them.
● Rev 20:15 . . And whosoever's name was not found written in the book of
life was cast into the lake of fire.
In the end, it will be the sweet, gentle, turn-the-other-cheek Jesus who
subjects misandrist women to a death sentence akin to a foundry worker falling
into a kettle of molten iron, and permanently ruins any chances they might have
had for happiness in the future. For all eternity, condemned man-hating females
will grind their teeth with hot tears and white-knuckled fury that they ultimately
lost out on everything because of one lone male's obsessive control over their lives.