Had Deborah and Barack been married, the terms of their association would
have been very different.
● Gen 3:16 . . Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over
FYI: Deborah didn't lead Barack into war, rather; she accompanied him.
BTW: I've heard preachers insinuate that Barack was timid; but had he
been, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gone into combat under any
circumstances, with or without a prophet in the ranks; especially in those
days when desperate men fought to the death hand to hand like gladiators
rather than at a distance with bullets and canons.
Ahab's wife didn't rule him; she advised him; which, according to Gen 2:18, is
okay for wives to do.
Debra is a prime example of a woman taking the lead over a man.
have been very different.
● Gen 3:16 . . Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over
FYI: Deborah didn't lead Barack into war, rather; she accompanied him.
BTW: I've heard preachers insinuate that Barack was timid; but had he
been, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gone into combat under any
circumstances, with or without a prophet in the ranks; especially in those
days when desperate men fought to the death hand to hand like gladiators
rather than at a distance with bullets and canons.
Jezebel is another
okay for wives to do.
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