From reading the law of the Catholic fathers as their apologetics. They have no biblical foundation.( sola scriptura) But rather seek after oral traditions of men that they must call apostolic succession. Men putting their faith in that seen other men .
Its there attempt to make all things written in the law and the prophets (sola scriptura) to no effect so that the pew Catholics (non venerable/worship-able ones) can seek after the approval of that seen (fathers) the temporal, and not walk by faith the unseen, eternal .
They have set up their own faith base based on necromancy or what they call patron saints (3500 and rising) and what they call private revelations, to give the illusion God is still adding to His book., violating the final warning not to add or substract .
Below are the kind of laws they must follow when seeking the approval of men . They insist a man as that seen must teach them . It exposes the motive of operation the spirit of the antichrists.... the many that were there .
The law of men #80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same "divine well-spring", come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal." Each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ, who promised to remain with his own "always, to the close of the age".
Pope Urban VIII on Private Revelation... His Holiness, Pope Urban VIII stated: "In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true."(Pope Urban VIII, 1623-44)
It helps benefit thos who go above that which is wriiten by giving them the sky as the limit Just believe either way o it make this entiy they call Mary happy a person can use the imagination of their own hearts as a different source of faith (necromancy) other than all things written in the law and the prophets (sola scriptura)
Sola scriptura. The one reforming authority (as it is written) in any generation .. still makes the devil flee .