Well, actually it does have to do with what you are arguing. You say Luther destroyed all that had been gained. And you've been very defensive of the catholic church. So you can't speak of Luther being the death of God ( and when you say God, you don't mean God but instead mean whatever a culture holds to be of most esteem - which obviously changes with seasons) and then say Luther and the catholic church and Luthers protests of the practices of that church have nothing to do with what you are arguing.
Either I am not explaining myself properly or people here are just reading into their own presuppositions on certain words I am using, which causes confusion as to what I am actually saying. I am beginning to think everyone is confusing what I am saying because we are talking past each other and no one is really willing to take what am saying seriously.
I am not saying, It is a fact of what Luther did to Europe (Read The Cave and the Light by Arthur Herman, The Closing of the Western Mind by Charles Freeman) these two books lay a good overview of the foundation of what I am saying as to what Luther did and why the Renaissance and the Reformation occurred, also read the book Ideas & Men by Crane Briton. Then I read the History of what occurred after the Reformation: Such as
Christendom Destroyed by Mark Greengrass
Martin Luther: German Savior by James Stayer
German Histories in the Age of Reformation by Thomas Brady, Jr.
Then I read the History of the Reformation and Christianity and the two books that are very detailed on this subject are:
Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Reformation by Diarmaid MacCulloch
So I am very well educated on this subject. I see a lot of people here saying "All I read is the Bible" and it is no surprise that people have no clue as to what I am saying. Because, no one picks up a book and reads it.