The dinner is this Sunday. I won't have a chance to get into town again until that afternoon. I did go in a few weeks back to just get an idea of what all they have available- there's a whole room full of boxes, which are labeled with what decorations they contain. So I know they Have a ton of stuff, and a general idea of What that stuff is, but I didn't open up the boxes to see what it all looks like.
I've been working off the assumption that the most I would really need from the church would be their tablecloths and some of their glass vases/candle holders. But with doubling the amount of tables, and the pastor requesting each table to have a centerpiece/decoration, I am now....well, here.
I get all perfectionist about decorating. I'm positive nobody will be as critical of whatever I come up with as I'm already being, but that doesn't mean I want just throw something together and call it good. 90% of my panic is my own fault. I think I've complicated things, trying to keep to the theme.