The Bible is very clear:
First and foremost, if you are able to work and choose not to, you don't get to eat. And by extrapolation I assume that also includes no roof or medical care either. But that last part is just me assuming.
Funny how few ever remember me saying that, or forget it when I touch a nerve later on in the list.
2. If you are an employer, you are to treat your employees fairly. Now, we all have different definitions of fairly, but mine is that they are able to secure:
a. A roof that is more than a tent.
b. Food that is more than ramen noodles
c. Medical care that is more than a bandaid.
But again, that's just me. And I do understand that I am in a verrrry small and empty boat.
3. As we are able we may live comfortably and enjoy the blessing God bestows upon us as a reward for our faithfulness.
4. We are NOT allowed to horde riches. There are curses set upon unjust accumulations of money/property. I have 45 verses so far that say exactly that. I have presented them before. I think I may have God's backing on this one. But then again that's just me and how one defines hording and unjust accumulations.
5. God says every dollar we bank here is one we won't have on the other side. I'm not poor but, when my bank account starts getting too big I start getting nervous. Same when it starts getting too small. Both tend to say I'm not giving enough. At least, in my opinion.
6. We are NOT to take part in the things of this world. A lot of that is contained within the verses outlawing riches. (*) What are the things of this world? In
my opinion, that includes bickering, name calling, and endless fruitless effort-spending.
I might also throw in straining for gnats in a corner. But that's just a personal one, not a Biblical one. Oh wait the gnats part is, isn't it?
Oh and one last thing...
Just because I'm paranoid ... doesn't mean you're not out to get me