Morning sister!
* Do you find negative feedback on social media sites such to be harmful? How do you cope with it?
Depending who it’s from, and what type of negative feedback it is. I would categorise these into two groups. 1. Negative feedback in a “haterade” way or 2. Negative feedback in form of constructive criticism. Of course, I’d have to discern which is which and who it’s from, but usually with the Number 1 group - Ain’t no time for dat. Lol. Of course, this my view and others would differ.
* What would you do to channel the negative feedback into positive actions you can take in your life?
Pray. The person giving the negative feedback might be going through something on a deeper level, or there could be some misunderstanding or comms breakdown. If it was just generally negative, I’d most probably address it or leave it - depends what the HS says.
* Do you think the capacity to give and receive feedback to posters will discourage people from posting?
Everyone is different. Speaking for myself, I don’t mind. I embrace change - this was inevitable to happen to be honest, if noone saw this coming (change of interface, upgrades etc) then I’m sorry, but you’re living under a rock. Lol. Let’s take it from a Business POV, if you were the CEO of a massive company that dealt with Communications worldwide, and your company Comms centre were using the old switchboard to transfer calls, wouldn’t you want the best for them to get the job done more efficiently and resort to providing better advanced phone systems to help with the operation of your company? As times change, so does technology. So I can see why RoboOp had to make this change to keep up with how the other majority of chat sites are operating in. The hard part for some of us who aren’t so much tech savvy is navigating our way around the new interface, but it’s possible and workable.
Buuuuuuut lol, take away all of how we’re feeling about new change and think of the bigger picture here - why are we here? What are we commissioned to do as followers of Christ? There are a good few lot who still need this site to help them in their walks, and for some of us who are led to help them, that is one of our callings on here, right? That’s how I see it, fellowship in Christ to me is very important and I get some much out of it and I know others do too. That’s why I’m here, and if it’s only one person who just needs that help or guidance, then I’m going to be there for them.
Sorry for the long post lol Blessings sister, I always enjoy how you like to challenge our thinking
