Beloved in the FAITH! I love you! I love your vulnerability to ask for prayer. I love your courage to want to persevere. I have OCD, not nearly as bad now because of the LOVE, FORGIVENESS and GRACE of our Savior. I had all kinds of paralyzing fears about being a good mom, being abandoned, not being liked, being good enough at work, providing for my family...the future, and it went on and on. When I came to faith ten years ago, GOD told me to sit still and read His Word. I didn't know how to do that. I was a workaholic, and all I was good at was working HARD! I could hear the Holy Spirit repeating..."Trust Me!" I would reply, I can't...not right now. BUT over time, I did.
YOU are not alone in this faith walk. The Word of GOD has given us "a beautiful family" called (one another's). We will pray for one another, we will encourage one another, we will build up one another, we will confess our sins to one another, we will love one another, and it goes on and on. I pray in the PRECIOUS name of Jesus that the Holy Spirit's power will enable you to walk by faith, one step at a time, one day at a time, fully trusting on Him. I also hope that you have a church home, a church family and some one another's to come alongside you. If not, please take a step of faith today and seek out one believer to do just that. I pray someone touching and agreeing, praying GOD's Promises over you and with you! AMEN!
Satan tries to isolate us and keep us from FULLY LIVING the abundant life GOD has promised His children. John 10:10....His Word also goes on to say that we know His voice. He's our Shepherd and we're His sheep. Please mediate on Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Hebrews 12:1. Not all at once, just one morsel at a time, asking for Wisdom, discernment and understanding! Sometimes, I just listen to the bible app before falling asleep. (WHAT PEACE)
I also hope that you will not neglect speaking with your pastor, a local pastor and doctor as well. THERE are numerous resources available for you to take advantage of. There is HOPE for you! YOU have a GOD who will not leave YOU nor forsake you. Praying His perfect will for you! Philippians 1:6 <3