Exodus 34:5-7, "Then YHWH descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the Name of YHWH. YHWH passed in front of him, and proclaimed: YHWH, YHWH Almighty, merciful and compassionate, longsuffering, and abounding in righteousness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, and transgression, and sin; but by no means leaving unpunished those who are guilty; Who visits the sin of the fathers upon the children and the children's children, to the third and fourth generation."
Exodus 34:5-7, "And יהוה came down in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the Name, יהוה, "And יהוה passed before him and proclaimed, “יהוה,יהוה, an compassionate Strength and showing favor, patient, and great in loving-commitment and truth, watching over loving-commitment for thousands, forgiving crookedness and transgression and sin, but by no means leaving unpunished,a visiting the crookedness of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”