I really want to, but I don't want to make him angry. Also, if he can see everthing, that means he sees me when I do it. So, it's like he's frowning at me.
absolutely excellent thread...
way to go for putting it out there for discussion...
I say its better to masterbate..then go frustrated...
yes..god does see everything..even when you have sex with your wife or husband...
so..you must learn to feel comfortable with your "sexuality" in front of your maker..
what he wants for you..is a woman..who will be your..."vessel" of contentment...
in a private way..beyond..wordly eyes...like google ..<(chuckles at all the images they save ..)
I love that you had the boldness to ask this question....on a christian site...
good on ya mate....(chuckles)
since I am not in a relationship...yes occasionally I masterbate...
I know God is watching.....is he a perv??..NO...
but he does understand a biological need..as he created us this way.....meaning "sexual beings"...
I think masterbation beats ..screwing someone you really may not want to marry..just to get"off"...
now...if you have a wife already..???
hmmm..I say you should discuss this with her instead of .."us"..???
thats my take on it....(smiles)...<in french