I am really at the point where I don't understand what it all means. When you are single you want to be married, when you are married you want to be single. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now. He wil go through periods where he won't call me for a whole day, today is one of those days for example. We live 2 hours away. We have been abstinent and we both follow God. I wonder if he is ever going to ask me to marry him. Being single sucks. It can be really lonely. I want someone to talk to you know? besides my girlfriends. I don't tell him it bothers me that he has days where he doesn't call because I don't want to appear posessive or insecure and all that other stuff. The last time we talked was on Monday night. I got a text yesterday but other than that I feel a hole. He is developing a pattern of this and it makes me wonder if he loves me or not. I really need someone to talk to tonight.