I'm truly sorry that you have become ensnared by a false religious system that is both dangerous to its adherents and those they victimize. Your historical understanding of the Hellenization of the Palestine appears to be somewhat accurate; however, your understanding of who and what Jesus Christ actually is couldn't be more wrong.
In brief, Jesus claimed to be God and proved to be God. He proved it by a convergence of three unprecedented sets of miracles: fulfilled prophecy, a miraculous life, and his resurrection from the dead. This unique convergence of supernatural events not only confirms his claim to be God in human flesh, but it also demonstrates Jesus' claim to be the only way to God. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me" (John 14:6; cf. 10:1,9-10). Jesus' apostles added, "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12; cf. 1 Tim. 2:s).
No other world religious leader has been confirmed by a convergence of unique miracles as Jesus has. Indeed, as we have seen (in Chapter 8), Muhammad refused to perform miracles like Jesus did to support his claim (see 3:181-84). In fact, no other world religious leader claimed to be God, including Muhammad. And, regardless of what they claimed for themselves, no other world religious leader ever proved his claims by fulfilling numerous prophecies made hundreds of years in advance, living a miraculous and sinless life, and predicting and accomplishing his own resurrection from the dead. Thus, Jesus alone deserves to be recognized as the Son of God, God incarnated in human flesh.
I understand both religious worldviews well and will be happy to debate you using a wealth of scholarly and historical evidences to show you that you are wrong and the Bible is the correct revelation of God. Islamic views about the Bible are critically flawed. Contrary to the overwhelming manuscript evidence. All the Gospels are preserved in the Chester Beatty Papyri, dated about A.D. 250. And the vast majority of the New Testament exists in the Vaticanus Ms. (B) that dates from about A.D. 325-50.
In addition there are nearly 5,700 other manuscripts of the New Testament dating from the second century A.D. to the fifteenth century (hundreds of which are from before the time of Muhammad) that confirm the same substantial text of the whole New Testament existing in Muhammad's day.
The New Testament text of Muhammad's day is confirmed by these same manuscripts to be the same basic New Testament text of Jesus' day. For these manuscripts provide an unbroken chain of testimony to the very threshold of the first century for the authenticity of the New Testament text we possess today. For example, the earliest fragment of the New Testament, the John Ryland Fragment, is dated about A.D. 117-38. It preserves verses from John 18 just as they are found in later manuscripts and in today's New Testament.
Likewise, the Bodmer Papyri from the second century A.D. preserve the whole books of Peter and Jude as we have them today. There is absolutely no evidence to indicate that the New Testament message was destroyed or distorted, as Muslims claim it was. Muslims use liberal critics of the New Testament in an attempt to show that the New Testament was corrupted, misplaced, and outdated. However, the Gospel record was written well within the lives of the apostles, somewhere between 40 and 60 A.D and that is provable. Negative New Testament criticism, which holds that the New Testament as preserved in the manuscripts does not accurately preserve the words and deeds of Jesus, is defunct.
I'm just getting warmed up. Prepare to be soundly refuted and introduced to the truth simultaneously. You'll have trouble trying to execute me for using historical manuscripts to refute your false assertions and educate you with the truth; however, as I live in a nation that doesn't sanction the murder of people for defending the truth and pointing out the errors of Islam so please do take this opportunity to learn.
Hello everyone

i am new here and i am muslim.
I would love to be friend with you and if you have any question on islam and muslims feel free to ask or pm me
