But, if we repented every time we committed a sin, we would spend several hours a day on our knees, and some sins we commit, we don't even know we commit them.
A bad thought about someone's driving might be considered a sin in the eyes of God. Do we need to ask for forgiveness for that or just pray for forgiveness of all of our sins that we committed that day, to encompass everything? I believe it to be the later. I just ask for forgiveness of all my sins at night.
It is the condition of our heart that God judges, and once we are covered in the Blood, His Blood will always cover us in God's eyes.
A christian should always maintain a repentant attitude, keep on walking in the light for no sin will enter heaven, no one will carry a single sin with them into heaven.
Eph 1:4 says Christians are to be "
holy and without blame". Eph 5:27 the Christian is to be "
not having spot or wrinkle...but holy and without blemish" 2 Pet 3:14 the Christian is to be "
without blemish and without spot"
So how can a Christian that occasionally sins ever be holy without spot, without blame, without blemish?
Again, 1 Jn 1:7 that continued walking in the light means Christ's blood continues to cleanse away all sins and that ongoing sustained cleansing is what keeps the Christian without spot, without blame, without blemish. God does not expect perfect sinlessness from a Christian but He does want a
faithful obedience in a sustained walking in the light. And that continued cleansing of Christ's blood cleanses away all sin, even sin(s) a person may not realized they have committed.
No impenitent person can be saved, Lk 13:3,5; Rom 2:4,5