I tend to not post my dreams very mush anymore but I would like some clarification on this one. A couple of days ago I had a dream of missiles. I have never had a dream of missiles and wasn't even thinking of missiles I was just thinking of how much I want to be closer to God. I remember I was standing around some people and out of nowhere from the sky missiles came down upon us. everyone was trying to escape them, now in the dream the explosions upon impact were no bigger than a large dog house but the power of the explosion flew me back a bit.
Now I have some theories about this dream and it's meaning, first off I believe this was a dream from God. I think it could be a warning of#1 a nuclear attack,#2 it could be a warning of sudden danger#3it could be a warning of something falling from the sky and creating terror. Now while these explosions were small I do not think they were meant to be literally taken as small explosions.
However it could also be a mere dream and means nothing, so I would like some input on the dream and if anyone knows what the meaning might be
Now I have some theories about this dream and it's meaning, first off I believe this was a dream from God. I think it could be a warning of#1 a nuclear attack,#2 it could be a warning of sudden danger#3it could be a warning of something falling from the sky and creating terror. Now while these explosions were small I do not think they were meant to be literally taken as small explosions.
However it could also be a mere dream and means nothing, so I would like some input on the dream and if anyone knows what the meaning might be
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