Reactions given by Yaj1979

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    Yaj1979 reacted Like to your post in the thread My marriage failing.
    My husband was supposed to move out of the house today (it was in my phone calendar and reminded me just now). I gave him this deadline...
  • Y
    Yaj1979 reacted Like to your post in the thread frustrated.........
    Do you belong to a church group overseen by a wise pastor? If so, I would confide in him. Continuing to pray to God for wisdom in...
  • Y
    Yaj1979 reacted Like to your post in the thread frustrated.........
    Marriages can be restored. Continue to pray and don't give up. God wants what is best for your family. Ask Him to soften your wifes...
  • Y
    Yaj1979 reacted Like to your post in the thread frustrated.........
    Glad if I helped in any way. I drop in from time to time and I will try and check back and see how things are going. Keep on your path...