Reactions received by VCO

  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Here is another per with the Roman Archer in the back. Seems logical to me. They would be close enough to hurl their Pilum at an...
  • E
    Everlasting-Grace reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Here is another per with the Roman Archer in the back. Seems logical to me. They would be close enough to hurl their Pilum at an...
  • V
    vassal reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Here is another per with the Roman Archer in the back. Seems logical to me. They would be close enough to hurl their Pilum at an...