Reactions received by VCO

  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    NONE OF THEM. I do not want this to become a NT BIBLE LESSON, which all of us KNOW or suspect we Know what it is about, and some have...
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    No, I think he gets his kicks by highjacking other threads into a Place they do not want to go. I he is an adolescent like 14 going on...
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    And I see ZERO spiritual Understanding I might add. Your last remark tells me you are looking in a Mirror. Back you go on I my IGNOR LIST.
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Agree to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    We ALL KNOW the word of faith Preachers are the Counterfeit False Preachers, that Paul and others warned us about. Sounds like you just...
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Do you know that most Christmas Card Artists have never read the story of Nativity in the BIBLE, Nor the Story of the Wisemen in the...
  • E
    Everlasting-Grace reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    NO! YOU NEVER READ THE EVIDENCE. Believe what you have been taught to believe, without thinking. You see, I was once in the other...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    NO! YOU NEVER READ THE EVIDENCE. Believe what you have been taught to believe, without thinking. You see, I was once in the other...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Yes, Lord, it's time us to come HOME.
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    My Pleasure, and the Lord's Business. Take a close look at this picture. See the two arrows up to on the left wall. Do you know what...
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Agree to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Start your own Prophecy THREAD, this is not a Prophecy site, it is a news from Israel Site. STOP TRYING TO HIJACK THIS THREAD.
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Start your own Prophecy THREAD, this is not a Prophecy site, it is a news from Israel Site. STOP TRYING TO HIJACK THIS THREAD.
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    That is your SECOND WARNING ON TRYING TO CREATE AN ARGRUMENT. Next time you will be banned to my Permanent IGNORE LIST, and encourage...
  • Radius
    Radius reacted Disagree to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Start your own Prophecy THREAD, this is not a Prophecy site, it is a news from Israel Site. STOP TRYING TO HIJACK THIS THREAD.
  • E
    Everlasting-Grace reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    STRIKE THREE, YOU ARE OUT! I would advise that everyone use this Method to put him on OUR IGNORE LIST. Step 1. Click on his name...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Friendly to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Thank you for your support, you encourage me.
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Now everyone should be able to see this one that lives to argue. Arguing is a sin, and some are addicted to it. It reminds me of a...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Here is the misunderstanding that the JEWS, started the snowball rolling down hill, yes I posted it twice before, but is seems...
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Informative to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    What were the Zealots up against, when they decided to take on the ROMAN X LEGION ? ? ? Literally the MOST FEARED ARMY, and the most...
  • 2ndTimeIsTheCharm
    2ndTimeIsTheCharm reacted Informative to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    I improved on a stitched drawing, all the words are mine, except when I was quoting JOSEPHUS, and few other artist, an the main artist...
  • Underwhosewings
    Underwhosewings reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Fallen Stones do not mark the temple location, WHY? All the stones were TORN UP in ancient Jerusalem, and stock piled. WHY? Because...