tygger2's latest activity

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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    ................................................................ The NIV Study Bible, Zondervan, 1985 clearly recognizes the truth...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    ............................................... "... the Bible actually describes men who represent God (judges, Israelite kings, etc.)...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    I'm sorry that you won't read evidence provided for you. For example, the footnote for part two above shows some of the many...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    ............................................................................ John 17:1, 3.
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    There are two more parts but I know no one will read any of it (as usual), so I'll stop here.
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    Part Five John 1:1 in NT Greek (cont.): The above lessons show that word order (predicate noun before the verb as found in the NT...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    Part Four John 1:1 in NT Greek (cont.): It’s been many years since I looked up all the clauses in John’s writing which had predicate...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    Part Three John 1:1 in NT Greek (cont.): But, you may ask, Isn’t there a significance to the reversed word order in the Greek (‘god...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    Part Two: John 1:1 in NT Greek (cont.): The next step in finding John’s intended meaning of John 1:1c is to look up the meanings of...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    .............................................. Is my link not working? I'll try another study of the same thing: how John intended...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    .......................................................... Is that what my personal study said? What would be the grammatical evidence...
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    From my personal study: http://examiningthetrinity.blogspot.com/2009/09/john-11c-primer_21.html
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    tygger2 replied to the thread WORD OF GOD.
    .................................................................................... I know that the first verse (John 11:1) is...