Reactions received by TLC209

  • S
    StrenfOGod reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Those are both the same faith. There is only two kinds of faith. Faith with works and faith that has no good works. The second is not...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Disagree to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Because you can fall away. The doctrine that says once you are saved you cannot lose it is false. That is why if you apply false...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    That is amazing! All Glory to God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ!! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful truth! I see it so...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Brother if you wish to have the Holy Spirit let us pray for you to receive it. It is a good thing for you to desire the Holy Spirit. We...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    You ever fall in love with a girl? Be all head over heels madly in love? Or how about just straight sprung over a girl? It would be in...
  • reacted Agree to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    As you should be. There are so many deceivers and people who have their own understanding. Thats their flesh, why would I want to follow...
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    You make no sense.. they knew Christ only after being born again? Christ was resurrected in Heaven when the outpouring of the Holy...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    You make no sense.. they knew Christ only after being born again? Christ was resurrected in Heaven when the outpouring of the Holy...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    2 Corinthians 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now...
  • reacted Winner to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Hey thank you for your reply. Hope youre having a blessed day. Your posts caught my attention as did Seedharvest's. So just to follow...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread One Talent.
    Amen... I would agree except for the idea of after a person receive Holy Spirit . I would say as we receive him revealing to us . ...
  • Flint321
    Flint321 reacted Dislike to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Prime example of what this OP is speaking about. Its comments like these that show where your heart is at. Criticizing, putting others...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Prime example of what this OP is speaking about. Its comments like these that show where your heart is at. Criticizing, putting others...
  • reacted Winner to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Prime example of what this OP is speaking about. Its comments like these that show where your heart is at. Criticizing, putting others...
  • reacted Friendly to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    What is catholicism? Enlighten me if you may? ive never gone to Catholic churches. Im opposed to the Catholic faith. If you wish to have...
  • reacted Agree to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Yessir. We are to judge one another in the body. We cannot walk in sin or be doing things that are wrong, while we sit back and do...
  • Flint321
    Flint321 reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Yessir. We are to judge one another in the body. We cannot walk in sin or be doing things that are wrong, while we sit back and do...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Id rather know why you follow the catholic faith. Every ones story is unique. Not all catholics are the same. Some practice santeria and...
  • reacted Winner to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Test the spirits. Im sure you have heard this scripture. Well how do you suppose this happens? I tell you we live in a spiritual world...
  • reacted Like to TLC209's post in the thread Who is my brother?.
    Yes but im pointing out the fact that there are spirits. Its not mysticism to point out someone has hurt or mocking spirit etc.