Reactions received by timf

  • MsMediator
    MsMediator reacted Informative to timf's post in the thread Having children.
    There is a saying that the cure for the disease of adolescence is parenthood. It often forces a transition from the natural selfishness...
  • siddhikoli
    Galatians chapter 5 discusses this in greater detail. The Holy Spirit desires us to grow in love (1Cor 13:4-7) which is pretty much...
  • reacted Informative to timf's post in the thread Having children.
    There is a saying that the cure for the disease of adolescence is parenthood. It often forces a transition from the natural selfishness...
  • Hazelelponi
    Hazelelponi reacted Informative to timf's post in the thread Having children.
    There is a saying that the cure for the disease of adolescence is parenthood. It often forces a transition from the natural selfishness...
  • TheNarrowPath
    TheNarrowPath reacted Informative to timf's post in the thread Parental involvement.
    I am curious to see what younger people think of parental involvement in their children's relationship search. My son is 24 and looking...
  • SomeDisciple
    Jesus was describing to his disciples what would be expected of the in the kingdom. Israel was always supposed to have been a nation of...