Reactions received by strawberry501

  • M
    M1chaeL reacted Like to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    Hello. thank you for the reply. We did use protection and knowing his family circumstances and unfamiliarity, I believe it was also his...
  • blue_ladybug
    blue_ladybug reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    Hello. thank you for the reply. We did use protection and knowing his family circumstances and unfamiliarity, I believe it was also his...
  • B
    blueluna5 reacted Sad to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I dated this boy for one year and almost 3 months. We had a long distance relationship but met 1-2 times a month. Otherwise, we were...
  • Alby
    Alby reacted Like to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I know I will be fine because of God. Thank you.
  • blue_ladybug
    blue_ladybug reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I know I will be fine because of God. Thank you.
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I dated this boy for one year and almost 3 months. We had a long distance relationship but met 1-2 times a month. Otherwise, we were...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    Yes h Yes he wasn’t a scoundrel at all during the relationship and before that. He gave it his all and tried his best to deal with the...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I have considered that but he didn’t leave me without feelings of pain at all. It was obvious that he was having a hard time doing it...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I am thinking that it’s not about the feelings but rather the immaturity and age. Maybe long distance is too hard for us now because...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I know I will be fine because of God. Thank you.
  • reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I know I will be fine because of God. Thank you.
  • CherieR
    CherieR reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    I dated this boy for one year and almost 3 months. We had a long distance relationship but met 1-2 times a month. Otherwise, we were...
  • M
    Maddijanex reacted Like to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    That’s true. I also saw him as much as you see him but would you be able to move on easily if he left you? I’ve waited a whole month to...
  • reacted Friendly to strawberry501's post in the thread Break up.
    Thank you. I really believe that. I believe God will lead me to the right person and that if he is the guy that he will be led to me...