Reactions received by Seeker47

  • ChrisTillinen
    You do amazing work. When I try to write something it usually takes me about three weeks!
  • Lorielhn
    Lorielhn reacted Happy to Seeker47's post in the thread Greeting.
    Welcome to CC Loielhn. There are lots of great people here, jump in. I am sure He has plans for your participation on this site too.
  • Evmur
    Evmur reacted Happy to Seeker47's post in the thread Greeting.
    Welcome to CC Loielhn. There are lots of great people here, jump in. I am sure He has plans for your participation on this site too.
  • Lorielhn
    Lorielhn reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Greeting.
    I absolutely love the little honey bear, it speaks to me on so many different levels. Welcome to CC yourself, you have a lot to...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread The Missionary.
    Great work! God wants you to leave your homeland And go to a strange and distant place, That you might share the gospel, That these...
  • Magenta
    Head down, neck bent, shoulders small and stooped, Hands held to the face as if in prayer. Gazing into a void of empty dreams and...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Seeker47's post in the thread The Missionary.
    Great work! God wants you to leave your homeland And go to a strange and distant place, That you might share the gospel, That these...
  • ChrisTillinen
    Head down, neck bent, shoulders small and stooped, Hands held to the face as if in prayer. Gazing into a void of empty dreams and...
  • yoriii
    yoriii reacted Friendly to Seeker47's post in the thread NewUser but old guy.
    Yes my friend I understand. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a full nights sleep in the past 8 years. It can...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Friendly to Seeker47's post in the thread NewUser but old guy.
    Yes my friend I understand. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a full nights sleep in the past 8 years. It can...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Seeker47's post in the thread NewUser but old guy.
    Yes my friend I understand. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a full nights sleep in the past 8 years. It can...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Happy to Seeker47's post in the thread NewUser but old guy.
    Yes my friend I understand. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a full nights sleep in the past 8 years. It can...
  • D
    Dirtman reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Which Way Is Up?.
    I find reading the passage in multiple Bible versions can sometimes help. You might also try reviewing it in a Hebrew interlinear...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Which Way Is Up?.
    I find reading the passage in multiple Bible versions can sometimes help. You might also try reviewing it in a Hebrew interlinear...
  • reacted Agree to Seeker47's post in the thread Which Way Is Up?.
    I find reading the passage in multiple Bible versions can sometimes help. You might also try reviewing it in a Hebrew interlinear...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Which Way Is Up?.
    I now realize I totally missed the point of your post and for that I apologize. If the contradiction is between Scripture and church...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Seeker47's post in the thread Which Way Is Up?.
    I find reading the passage in multiple Bible versions can sometimes help. You might also try reviewing it in a Hebrew interlinear...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Which Way Is Up?.
    Well, you can start with the books of Revelation and Daniel, but I don't think that is what you are asking. The one that jumps...
  • reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Shoulders Small and Stooped.
    Head down, neck bent, shoulders small and stooped, Hands held to the face as if in prayer. Gazing into a void of empty dreams and...
  • reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread My Last Tear.
    Your work is well done. There does indeed seem to be a part of us all that cries for something better, that is instinctively repulsed...