Reactions received by Scott_Fisher

  • GaryA
    GaryA reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    You nailed it! Man is the highest creation of GOD, Psalms 8. If this is a Heliocentric universe with billions of planets and possible...
  • SarahUmbreon
    SarahUmbreon reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    I do not hate you. We can disagree without hatred. But, you are comparing apples to oranges. I reassert, I am referring to truth...
  • SarahUmbreon
    SarahUmbreon reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    Thank you, my brother. I like your humor and appreciate the warning. I am accustomed to not being accepted. The President is subjective...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    I am a more serious mentor of mind, your humor is light and tasteful. I bet you are a crack up in person, like Robbin Williams, a laugh...
  • SarahUmbreon
    SarahUmbreon reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    Young sis, none of us deserve mercy, only justice, that is where Grace comes in. Grace is the extended goodness of GOD to undeserving...
  • GaryA
    GaryA reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    I am sorry, my brother. Upon further review, I saw my misunderstanding. That is the problem with Social Media, easy misperception. But...
  • IlovelivingforJesus
    IlovelivingforJesus reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's comment on IlovelivingforJesus's profile post
    My fellow believer, it is so awesome the power GOD has to change the heart of an individual who was opposed unto Him, but becomes so...
  • reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    I am sorry, my brother. Upon further review, I saw my misunderstanding. That is the problem with Social Media, easy misperception. But...
  • laughingheart
    Donald Trump is not a Christian, although he does speak of GOD. But, Cyrus was not a follower of Yahweh when he freed the Jews in...
  • B
    Donald Trump is not a Christian, although he does speak of GOD. But, Cyrus was not a follower of Yahweh when he freed the Jews in...
  • GaryA
    GaryA reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    But, one bad apple does spoil the whole. That is a straw man argument. The Bible is accepted as objective truth in the Christian...
  • GaryA
    GaryA reacted Like to Scott_Fisher's post in the thread FLAT EARTH.
    I do not hate you. We can disagree without hatred. But, you are comparing apples to oranges. I reassert, I am referring to truth...