
l am Pastor Samuel Raju, as I am senior pastor and mentor for the last 34 years in the villages, I am fully involved in the full time ministry for the last 34 years and mainly working in the villages. I and my wife are blessed with five children(four daughters & one son), I did my Bachelor of Theology Degree three years and Ordained. We are from a small town called "PITHAPURAM" which is 16 kilometers away from and connected to the second longest High Ways in India. Our nearest and well connected biggest airport is "Visakhapatnam(VTZ)" which is three hours drive from our home. Geographically we are located in east coast part of Andhra Pradesh state in India which speaks Telugu language. We are only 12 kilometers away from the Bay of Bengal Ocean. Off course we will take you there for surfing and hang out at the beach.

We have a team of 30 hard working and faithful pastors and evangelists working with us for the last 16 years to reach the villages with the gospel & plant new churches. This is our passion and motto to bring the gospel to every home in the villages. Our experience is the fulfillment of Jesus Command in Luke 10:2 (KJV). Jesus says that- "Therefore said He unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He would send forth labourers into His harvest".

Our strategic plans for the future ministry are evangelizing the unreached villages with the gospel, church planting and training the leaders for reaching India and also the reaching "Orphans-James 1:27, Widows-1Tim 5:3, Gospel-Matt 28:18-20, Tribal People-Matt 24:14" with needed Projects, James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
For the present we are mostly involved in evangelism and church planting in the villages,
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
So far we could able to reach 30 remote and rural villages with the gospel and plant churches but we are unable to go for church buildings, assist and support the team pastors with their needs. This is a big drawback for our ministry at present. If you join your hands with us, we can reach the entire remote region with the gospel and train more leaders to reach more regions. we need your teaching and preaching, could you please encourage our team pastors this is my heartbeat. Therefore please come and join with me so that we can do the work for God together and bring a big change in India. Every honor & glory goes to God. If you need any more information about me or our ministry in India I will send you happily.
May 6, 1968 (Age: 56)
Pastor Samuel Raju
Marital Status
Spiritual Status
When saved
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
Andhra Pradesh [India]
Favorite Bible Verse
John 3:16




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