Reactions received by Sadie1123

  • reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • reacted Winner to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • Mii
    Mii reacted Like to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • Kireina
    Kireina reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • L
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • D
    DrGuyPhD reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • A
    Adstar reacted Like to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • M
    mickey reacted Like to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • M
    mickey reacted Like to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • kinda
    kinda reacted Like to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Thank you for the welcome! Also, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who's replied. I appreciate your caring, your prayers, and your...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Merry Christmas to you and to everyone else!
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • P
    PotatoHead reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...
  • P
    PotatoHead reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Tomorrow is the day I have to self-surrender to the detention center. Mom is gonna drop me off on her way to work, so I wanted to hop on...
  • H
    Honout reacted Friendly to Sadie1123's post in the thread I really messed up..
    Back during summer break, I got into a car accident that severely injured the driver of the other vehicle involved, as well as his...