Reactions received by ReinhardBehrens

  • Nehemiah6
    Hi there, The Bible is clear that those whom believe will be those whom are saved. If you believe you receive the gift of the Holy...
  • Pilgrimshope
    Hi there, The Bible is clear that those whom believe will be those whom are saved. If you believe you receive the gift of the Holy...
  • Walter
    Walter reacted Like to ReinhardBehrens's post in the thread Goodday.
    Hi my name is Reinhard, and I've been journeying with JESUS for a while. But the Bible really opened for me the last couple of years...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to ReinhardBehrens's post in the thread Goodday.
    Hi my name is Reinhard, and I've been journeying with JESUS for a while. But the Bible really opened for me the last couple of years...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Like to ReinhardBehrens's post in the thread Goodday.
    Hi my name is Reinhard, and I've been journeying with JESUS for a while. But the Bible really opened for me the last couple of years...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Friendly to ReinhardBehrens's post in the thread Goodday.
    Hi my name is Reinhard, and I've been journeying with JESUS for a while. But the Bible really opened for me the last couple of years...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to ReinhardBehrens's post in the thread Goodday.
    Hi my name is Reinhard, and I've been journeying with JESUS for a while. But the Bible really opened for me the last couple of years...
  • Elshya
    Elshya reacted Friendly to ReinhardBehrens's post in the thread Goodday.
    Hi my name is Reinhard, and I've been journeying with JESUS for a while. But the Bible really opened for me the last couple of years...