Reactions received by Psalm130_6

  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Funny to Psalm130_6's post in the thread Dear Younger Me.
    That’s a fair point, @RodB651. I’d probably be pretty annoyed with younger me if she didn’t listen. I mean, who does she think she is...
  • RodB651
    RodB651 reacted Funny to Psalm130_6's post in the thread Dear Younger Me.
    That’s a fair point, @RodB651. I’d probably be pretty annoyed with younger me if she didn’t listen. I mean, who does she think she is...
  • ketura
    ketura reacted Funny to Psalm130_6's post in the thread Dear Younger Me.
    That’s a fair point, @RodB651. I’d probably be pretty annoyed with younger me if she didn’t listen. I mean, who does she think she is...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Funny to Psalm130_6's post in the thread PM vs DM.
    So... if someone perhaps occasionally sends an IM, it's not that bad, right? It’s not a PM, but it’s not a DM. ...Not that I’d ever...