Recent content by Pasifika

  1. P

    Famous lines

    The law of faith is what established the law of works.
  2. P

    the Sabbath

    Youre rebellion if you still slip and fall. i am too. But under the NC Christ will eventually save from being rebellious to be an Obedient son.
  3. P

    the Sabbath

    Now that is the New Covenant you're saying. The old covenant doesn't need Jesus, it All the man's work apart from God.
  4. P

    the Sabbath

    Wrote what in our hearts? the 10 words? How about Christ live in our hearts, is it the same thing or different?
  5. P

    the Sabbath

    you're still lawless if you fail keep Gods commandment. You need Jesus Spirit to be able to live like Him. The old covenant is solely the work of the flesh Not the Spirit.
  6. P

    the Sabbath

    If God cleansed, you will become a new person. but If you still slip and fall then Sin still have dominion over you. if you follow the letter then you're judge by the Letter. Rom 2:12 The New Covenant will be judge by either "believe" or "unbelieve" in regard to the gospel message.
  7. P

    the Sabbath

    Moses wrote down All the words God said including the 10commandments in the book. It still Gods Words whether was inside the Ark or outside.
  8. P

    the Sabbath

    if you still slip and fall then you haven't get to the stage where you deemed an "overcomer" (overcome sin)
  9. P

    the Sabbath

    So both Moses and God wrote the commandments. Moses wrote in the book and God on tablet of stones. So what covenant is it then? the 10 commandments in the verse you quote Ex 34:28? isnt it the Old covenant in Sinai?
  10. P

    the Sabbath

    if we believe we will never Sin again. If you still sin then keeping sabbath command still void
  11. P

    the Sabbath

    Ex 34:21. Six days you should labor, but the seventh day you shall rest.. Ex34:27. Then the Lord said to Moses, "write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant You and with Israel ..
  12. P

    the Sabbath

    The sabbath is kept under the New Covenant when we "Believe" the Gospel.
  13. P

    the Sabbath

    well, the 10 commandments were also written in the book of the Law. the 10 commandments was also called the "words the covenant" Ex 34:28 in reference to the Sinai covenant.
  14. P

    the Sabbath

    the Law was never given to make anyone perfect BUT to show Sin (man imperfection).
  15. P

    the Sabbath

    The priesthood under the Law has always come from the tribe of levi(Aaron) BUT under Gods Promise, the Priest must come in the order of Melchizedek. As it says: The Lord has sworn and will Not change His mind: You are Priest forever. Ps 110:4(Heb7;21) You are a Priest forever in the order of...