Reactions received by OneOfHis

  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You pray about it, God won't keep His will from you. You have the Holy spirit. Have you heard of dimethyltryptamine or ayahuasca...
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Not By Works.
    "Works salvationists" are seen as such because they tie their own works to wether or not they can have assurance in salvation. "Not by...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Free Gift Of Salvation..
    Not before God... before man.... Romans 4 KJV For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before...
  • seoulsearch
    I grew up in a messed up household (dysfunctional would be an understatement) and I made a lot of bad choices. God turned me around in...
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Not By Works.
    How are we supposed to gain the reward of salvation if we do not earn it.....🤔🤔
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread How to come out to family.
    Wooooooow praise God..... My personal advice as a new child of God and a sappling, would be to grow in His word... grow in assurance and...
  • Friendly_Turk
    Very very good question..... Ya.... I've faced this too I can give (time,money,energy) happily... but I am also guilty of giving and...
  • TamLynn
    TamLynn reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread I want to love more..
    Very very good question..... Ya.... I've faced this too I can give (time,money,energy) happily... but I am also guilty of giving and...
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Antisexuality.
    Ehhh once you start talking about drugs thats completely a different subject. To call something "abortificent" or "abortifacient" I...
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread I want to love more..
    Not even a little... There is a line ... God provides all of our time... we have limited time... just like we have limited resources...
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Not By Works.
    They opt to red x's when it gets too real...
  • BlessedByGod
    Very very good question..... Ya.... I've faced this too I can give (time,money,energy) happily... but I am also guilty of giving and...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Antisexuality.
    Oh goodness... a couple man made terms and rules not of God or found in scripture have been posted here..... For any sappling out...
  • reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Antisexuality.
    Ehhh once you start talking about drugs thats completely a different subject. To call something "abortificent" or "abortifacient" I...
  • Genipher
    Genipher reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Antisexuality.
    Ehhh once you start talking about drugs thats completely a different subject. To call something "abortificent" or "abortifacient" I...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Agree to OneOfHis's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Looking to your walk to justify you, is not taking up your cross or following Jesus. Nor do these verses suggest in any way that a son...