Reactions received by Nta

  • phil36
    phil36 reacted Like to Nta's post in the thread Mr..
    This is my very first time here
  • reacted Like to Nta's post in the thread My purpose.
    Hy, you may have misunderstood me from actual contest. As a Catholic I am, I do attend church services of other denominations. I don't...
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Like to Nta's post in the thread My purpose.
    Amen God bless you...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to Nta's post in the thread My purpose.
    Hy, you may have misunderstood me from actual contest. As a Catholic I am, I do attend church services of other denominations. I don't...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to Nta's post in the thread My purpose.
    Thanks, really you are following me...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Nta's post in the thread My purpose.
    Yeah, but it can be a friend turned to marriage. You don't show one who is his/her friend, but you can show who is his/her relative...