Reactions received by Mii

  • AndyMaleh
    AndyMaleh reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Alphabet Game.
    Yeah maybe X should be removed lol. To be fair though, what people have come up with has surprised me. I did like I think it was...
  • Johnathan33
    Johnathan33 reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread No TV or Movies?.
    My family still watches things often, even after watching a documentary series about what TV/Movies are designed to do. They even agreed...
  • Johnathan33
    Johnathan33 reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread No TV or Movies?.
    Great insight here. There's a scripture that talks about avoiding the appearance of evil and also what fellowship does light have with...
  • calibob
    calibob reacted Happy to Mii's post in the thread Pasta survey.
    Well...Call this instant gratification but I just made pasta for perhaps the second or third time. I recall making it at least once...
  • calibob
    calibob reacted Happy to Mii's post in the thread Pasta survey.
    That looks amazing @calibob My brother occasionally is adventurous with cooking. He pioneered some baked Ziti that's not bad so I'll...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Mii's post in the thread Bow thread.
    I've used a compound bow once when I was younger but I was too young for it to not be amazingly difficult to pull it past the little...
  • tourist
    Not every female is coquettish or "subtly flirtatious" and are pretty direct in what they want. I don't know about you but every virgin...
  • Deuteronomy
    Well, don't let pride stand in your way. Even if you feel like a fool trying to hum a tune to a song that you want to remember and all...
  • calibob
    calibob reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Pasta survey.
    Well, I'll try it out I think. The Ziti he made one time was excellent, but the other times it was just "pasta and cheese" pretty much...
  • seoulsearch
    Except there is a verse saying what to do in such a situation. We are told to remain faithful in the relationship. I think the Lord is...
  • up
    up reacted Happy to Mii's post in the thread Bow thread.
    I've used a compound bow once when I was younger but I was too young for it to not be amazingly difficult to pull it past the little...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Mii's post in the thread Bow thread.
    Do you use it to hunt? There are appear to be certain situations where Archery/"Crossbowery" is MUCH better than a gun from what I can...
  • reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Why Jerusalem?.
    Hey so your quoted post where you replied in depth had a misquoting error where it got lost within his quote. Just figured I'd throw...
  • reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Why Jerusalem?.
    I can loosely understand a lot of your train of thought. Not saying I agree or disagree but there are some things regarding timing that...
  • H
    Hjulle51 reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Spanking.
    I haven't seen it in years. I think it is more common to restrict a child by depriving them of something they enjoy or curfews/time out...
  • T
    throughfaith reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Spanking.
    I haven't seen it in years. I think it is more common to restrict a child by depriving them of something they enjoy or curfews/time out...
  • reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread Spanking.
    Yes @lenna ...too often it seems like a vent for a parents anger/frustration. I've heard people view it as such...basically when the...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Agree to Mii's post in the thread Spanking.
    Yeah the same was said to me. At the time I was like "Ok, sure. When I'm a parent I'll remember to see if this is true. Since obviously...
  • reacted Friendly to Mii's post in the thread Spanking.
    :( These reactions just aren't expressive enough sometimes, alas. I also experienced something quite serious and dangerous. I think...