Reactions received by Lynne

  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Eviction.
    While there are some people who can work and choose not to, there are also many people who have been severely injured or have...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Depressed again.
    Good morning! I will pray for your faith to be strengthened. If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you. I’m typically on...
  • Gemmy
    Gemmy reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Depressed again.
    Good morning! I will pray for your faith to be strengthened. If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you. I’m typically on...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Depressed again.
    I have said a prayer for you also, and I will keep you both in my prayers.
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Depressed again.
    You’re very welcome!
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to Lynne's status.
    Good Morning! I’ve been browsing the forums this morning, and I am truly enjoying CC so far. This community is definitely becoming part...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to Lynne's status.
    Good Morning! I’ve been browsing the forums this morning, and I am truly enjoying CC so far. This community is definitely becoming part...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to Lynne's status.
    Good morning! Starting my daily routine learning how to navigate this site better, then I will be spending time on my online class work...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Jews In The Holocaust.
    I have been extremely respectful to you as I have not insulted you, nor have I misrepresented anything you have said even though you are...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Jews In The Holocaust.
    I gave you the thumbs down because I disliked/disagreed with most of what you said. I am absolute blown away by how you are behaving...
  • p_rehbein
    p_rehbein reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread The promises of God.
    Thank you for the encouragement! With so much going on in this fallen world, it is nice to be reminded of His promises.
  • Gardenias
    Gardenias reacted Friendly to Lynne's post in the thread Jews In The Holocaust.
    I have been extremely respectful to you as I have not insulted you, nor have I misrepresented anything you have said even though you are...
  • JaumeJ
    "Gematria is occultic; NOT something that people who follow Christ should practice or teach/preach, or use as a way to explain God's...