Reactions received by Laish

  • longtrekker
    longtrekker reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Xmas.
    Well as you are putting the reader into the shoes of what we would think . I will give you my opinion. First about the wrong date not...
  • Lafftur
    Lafftur reacted Happy to Laish's post in the thread Merry Christmas.
    Merry Christmas all . Let’s us a remember the reason for the season. That the lord gave us a a gift beyond all other gifts ! Blessings...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Winner to Laish's post in the thread Merry Christmas.
    Merry Christmas all . Let’s us a remember the reason for the season. That the lord gave us a a gift beyond all other gifts ! Blessings...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Don’t forget comas. Lol Blessings Bill
  • reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Don’t forget comas. Lol Blessings Bill
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Don’t forget comas. Lol Blessings Bill
  • reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Xmas.
    Hey Kaylagrl leave the Russelite to him self . You have thrown your pearls before the swine . Just pray for the man and move on. They...
  • reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Xmas.
    Yes he was a bully , and a deceiver from watchtower cult as you correctly pointed out . He had no right to talk to folks the way he...
  • preacher4truth
    preacher4truth reacted Agree to Laish's post in the thread Rightly divided.
    Question how or why are you quoting from the Gospels ? You said we as gentile believers in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ have no...
  • preacher4truth
    preacher4truth reacted Useful to Laish's post in the thread Rightly divided.
    You said this in your first post “Follow Paul, as he is the apostle to the have no business in the 4 gospels, in which...
  • CharliRenee
    CharliRenee reacted Agree to Laish's post in the thread Rightly divided.
    Question how or why are you quoting from the Gospels ? You said we as gentile believers in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ have no...
  • Nehemiah6
    Nehemiah6 reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Well it comes down to this . Did God create time ? I believe yes . That leads me to understand that he is outside of time .( thinking...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Well it comes down to this . Did God create time ? I believe yes . That leads me to understand that he is outside of time .( thinking...
  • Sackcloth-N-Ashes
    Sackcloth-N-Ashes reacted Winner to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Well it comes down to this . Did God create time ? I believe yes . That leads me to understand that he is outside of time .( thinking...
  • Sackcloth-N-Ashes
    Sackcloth-N-Ashes reacted Agree to Laish's post in the thread Open Theism.
    Ok he gained knowledge? Let’s back track to Hebrews Hebrews 12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any...