Reactions received by kinda

  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Old to kinda's post in the thread Age.
    Feijoa would be 13,104 years old if true, which seems unlikely.:)
  • Moses_Young
    Please explain how it's a troll move. I'm curious. Maybe since you can't defend flat earth, or question concave hollow earth, you...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Old to kinda's post in the thread Flat earth debunked..
    Keep the videos coming, Concave Hollow Earth is looking rock solid! Once my experiment is done and it checks out like these videos, and...
  • GaryA
    GaryA reacted Old to kinda's post in the thread Ball Earth conundrums.
    How so? You have never even attempted to discredit concave hollow earth. All of sudden, you seem so sure of yourself. I must of...