Reactions received by Kayeboo3

  • tourist
    tourist reacted Sad to Kayeboo3's post in the thread Marriage Advice Please.
    Hello, I am at my wits end and need either encouragement or advice. I am a 30 year old female married to a 30 year old male. We have...
  • reacted Sad to Kayeboo3's post in the thread Marriage Advice Please.
    Hello, I am at my wits end and need either encouragement or advice. I am a 30 year old female married to a 30 year old male. We have...
  • inukubo
    inukubo reacted Sad to Kayeboo3's post in the thread Marriage Advice Please.
    Hello, I am at my wits end and need either encouragement or advice. I am a 30 year old female married to a 30 year old male. We have...