Reactions received by JTB

  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    OK you're showing your true colors here. Time to go. I used to sit here for hours, spending 30 minutes writing a concise evidence...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Not everyone who says Lord Lord will be saved. That's what it means to be a false prophet. Those who deceive the elect claim come in...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    The Bible says over and over again that God's people will be deceived and drawn away from His truth. I'm concerned for my brethren who...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    But I'll give you another out. At the time we were doing Luminosity. And the scores we received there were eerily close to the scores we...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    What's going on in my heart? Concern for my brothers and sisters. Respect for scripture. Love for my enemies. You and Polar? Name...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Thank you. I appreciate that response. And I can see how that could have application. Tell me, do you believe the word of God is...
  • T
    Daniel, you've had several good people here listen and give council to you, and not a one has agreed that what you did was...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    So you think supporting those who violate Gods truths by promoting mammon worship, self-idolatry, cheating workers, abandonment of the...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Useful to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I haven't voted left or right since Ross Perot. I can't vote left because I will not support immorality, poly/atheism, enablement, or...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    So you think supporting those who violate Gods truths by promoting mammon worship, self-idolatry, cheating workers, abandonment of the...
  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    And if we see brothers and sisters fulfilling prophesy that can/will lead to their turning away from the Truth, just let them do it. OK...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I only brought that up because someone repeatedly questioned my intelligence. Without, you know, having any basis for doing so.
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    If you don't care for the discussion, why are you here? It's a big forum...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    God has put these scriptures in my heart for a reason. I look around to figger out what that reason could be, and I see good faithful...
  • reacted Disagree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    It's not the voting. I support voting, I just don't believe that voting for the lesser sin is a valid excuse for exercising. We just...
  • seoulsearch
    A thread derailed? Oh no that never happens here! (Says a regular offender ;) )
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Well, I haven't voted red or blue since Ross Perot. I usually vote a third party candidate to register a tick in the "none of the above"...
  • Absolutely!!! That is PRECISELY it!
  • The_Watchers_2017
    And ask any questions you want. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask ;)