Reactions received by JTB

  • reacted Disagree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    No, I'm saying those who conflate the elephant with the cross are being drawn away from God's Truths. Being drawn away, they will not be...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Things like Amazon and Netflix, like facebook and tiktok, are what you make them. People at church rebuke me for watching tiktok because...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    The point of it all is this: The Jews believed their Messiah would be a political figure who'd save them from Godless Romans. Because...
  • reacted Disagree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    (Psssst... the GOP IS a mindless cult. And trump IS their messiah)
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Not all who say "lord Lord" will be saved, and scripture repeatedly warns against false teachers/prophets/messiahs coming in His (GOD's)...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Actually both sides are mindless cults. You don't HAVE to support either one.
  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Fair enough. What about those who support Cruz/McConnel and their kind? Still mammon hoarders, self idolaters, worker abusers, liars...
  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I am not obsessed with trump, I am greatly concerned about the believers who will be drawn away from their faith as a result of...
  • reacted Disagree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    The left deceives the world. The world cannot turn from Jesus because they don't have Him. The right deceives believers. Believers CAN...
  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Reasonable enough (wow where did that come from lol) Trump's SCOTUS picks - I was actually good with them until they proved they were...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Trump railed against Obummer for golfing too much. Yet it is a documented truth that trump has golfed more. trump railed against...
  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Ima gonna put YOU on MY list. My ignore list. It's obvious you've not just drank the cool-aid, you've bathed and mainlined it. I ain't...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Thank you. Couldn't have said it better.
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Nothin' wrong with fighting Marxism (altho I question whether that's what really going on or just how it's being hyped and sold). But...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    That's what got trump in in 2016. People are SO desperate for change, they'll even take change for the worse.
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I think you're replying to someone I've got on ignore. But if you're talking about Killary, yeah she trump and a whole host of others...
  • reacted Disagree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Golf ... Classified items and...
  • reacted Disagree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    That's the problem with trumpets. You can show them hard and fast evidence, and they'll still stick to the disproven lie. One thing I...
  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    These are the signs I read...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Not trying to control anything. Just expressing my concern for all the brothers and sisters whom scripture says will turn from God...