Reactions received by JohnDB

  • Angela53510
    Anybody besides me watching this? Today the Judge blasted...I mean red faced yelling at the prosecutor in the case. I've never seen...
  • Angela53510
    Oh yes... Mr Grosskreutz admitted to at least three felonies on the witness stand. But I guarantee you that there are no charges being...
  • Angela53510
    Rittenhouse is's ridiculous that the prosecutor even tried this case...the prosecution's own witnesses have either grossly...
  • Angela53510
    The video of what happened that night was posted to social media and went viral within an hour... The prosecutor ought to already have...
  • reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    Most teenagers have mental maturity issues with the whole "shades of grey" thing...not like the 50 shades of grey book...but that they...
  • reacted Winner to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    Nope... Not even anywhere near the truth of the situation. That's a political agenda statement and not what the truth is. There was no...
  • reacted Friendly to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    I dunno about sabbath...(ok I do but it centered on work) But today I was busy making candied orange peels for dipping in tempered...
  • Angela53510
    Testimony today was that the protesters were focusing on the police until Kyle and friends put out the dumpster fire...then they focused...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Informative to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    There will never be a "Red Dawn" type scenario for America. There never will be an invading army looking to take over farmlands and...
  • reacted Informative to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    There will never be a "Red Dawn" type scenario for America. There never will be an invading army looking to take over farmlands and...
  • mailmandan
    They have one of the three men in the SUV that drove through the parade... Don't watch the videos...I did and it was just...
  • 1ofthem
    1ofthem reacted Winner to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    However news is out that Kyle said that he supports BLM in his Fox News interview... Let's see if Jesse will come out and say anything...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    However news is out that Kyle said that he supports BLM in his Fox News interview... Let's see if Jesse will come out and say anything...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Useful to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    However news is out that Kyle said that he supports BLM in his Fox News interview... Let's see if Jesse will come out and say anything...
  • reacted Sad to JohnDB's post in the thread Death at the Christmas Parade.
    They have one of the three men in the SUV that drove through the parade... Don't watch the videos...I did and it was just...
  • The IRS is cutting off tax exempt status for Churches and religious...
  • reacted Surprised to JohnDB's post in the thread Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.
    However news is out that Kyle said that he supports BLM in his Fox News interview... Let's see if Jesse will come out and say anything...
  • ZNP
    ZNP reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    Here's the practice of the letter... apparently I don't have a picture of the final product. But I did tweak it a bit and it came out...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    I'm just a rocking and rolling on the candy this morning... So far I've got dipped: Coffee/Kahlua, Gran Marnier, and orange... Online...