Reactions received by JohnDB

  • Demi777
    Demi777 reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Gay Christian?.
    Nope... The two are mutually exclusive. It's a polar decision. Like pregnant or not pregnant. "Hope to be pregnant" is not...
  • KarynLouise
    KarynLouise reacted Like to JohnDB's post on KarynLouise's profile.
    Welcome to the Forums. Hope you have a wonderful day!
  • reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Crush gaaaame.
    I think she needs them mittens at this point if she wants to keep a secret... I don't...I like watching the drama.
  • shineyourlight
    shineyourlight reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Crush gaaaame.
    I think she needs them mittens at this point if she wants to keep a secret... I don't...I like watching the drama.
  • reacted Funny to JohnDB's post in the thread Narcissism Exposed.
    One finger forward three fingers back.....hummmmm
  • reacted Useful to JohnDB's post in the thread Crush gaaaame.
    As an old married guy... I KNOW how to play the game. Even if I didn't get anything more than a friend out of the trip I still was up...
  • Cyberm
    You are 13 years old... I'm multiple times your age. But I was once young. And if I could go back one of the things I would change is...
  • reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    ROFL... I'm not so much asking as just tossing it around... At one time a blue bottle meant wine or water... Now it's coffee.
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Crush gaaaame.
    I think she needs them mittens at this point if she wants to keep a secret... I don't...I like watching the drama.
  • stilllearning
    stilllearning reacted Funny to JohnDB's post in the thread Crush gaaaame.
    I think she needs them mittens at this point if she wants to keep a secret... I don't...I like watching the drama.
  • p_rehbein
    p_rehbein reacted Informative to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    I've not had pancakes for a few weeks now...I found wild blueberries in the freezer section and made them a few weeks ago... Currently...
  • L
    lawrence101 reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Gay Christian?.
    Nope... The two are mutually exclusive. It's a polar decision. Like pregnant or not pregnant. "Hope to be pregnant" is not...
  • L
    lawrence101 reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Gay Christian?.
    This isn't for browbeating people with. It's a simple statement of fact. It's been the same thing for thousands of years. You can't...
  • GandalfTheWhite
    GandalfTheWhite reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    I've not had pancakes for a few weeks now...I found wild blueberries in the freezer section and made them a few weeks ago... Currently...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    Im actually going out for coffee with the guys this morning. They try to meet up once a week or so...I try to go sometimes but it is...
  • reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    Im actually going out for coffee with the guys this morning. They try to meet up once a week or so...I try to go sometimes but it is...
  • GandalfTheWhite
    GandalfTheWhite reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    Im actually going out for coffee with the guys this morning. They try to meet up once a week or so...I try to go sometimes but it is...
  • p_rehbein
    p_rehbein reacted Informative to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    Im actually going out for coffee with the guys this morning. They try to meet up once a week or so...I try to go sometimes but it is...
  • reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Speak Your Mind..
    Getting close to bedtime for me.