Reactions received by jlayton1973

  • reacted Friendly to jlayton1973's post in the thread New Member.
    Hello, I am a new user. I accepted Jesus as my Savior back in 2004 but my walk with Him recently was non existent. Long story short...
  • BrotherMike
    BrotherMike reacted Friendly to jlayton1973's post in the thread New Member.
    Hello, I am a new user. I accepted Jesus as my Savior back in 2004 but my walk with Him recently was non existent. Long story short...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Friendly to jlayton1973's post in the thread New Job.
    Hello, I lost my job today due to a mistake I made a few years ago. Now I need to know what the Lord wants me to do. Would you please...