Reactions received by JaumeJ

  • Deade
    Deade reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Take me to your leader.
    Jesus went on to say that He would divide family members father from daught mother from son and so on……….Allow me to get the exact quote...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Take me to your leader.
    Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Mat 10:35 For I am come to set a man...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Take me to your leader.
    When I first was given to believe Jesus Christ I was drawn to a home meeting group of charismatic Pentacostals. It was wonderful, and...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Take me to your leader.
    I have alwys belived anyone who loves Jesus Christ has Three Witnesses at all times, but that is pushing it, so I do not fall back on...
  • CharliRenee
    It seems Jesus is addressing people who believe and people who say they believe, ergo eventually they separate, like oil and water. I...
  • Deade
    God has blessed me to have ben able to rea many verions of the Word. If your prefer the translation that employs Holy Ghost to Holy...
  • CharliRenee
    I have alwys belived anyone who loves Jesus Christ has Three Witnesses at all times, but that is pushing it, so I do not fall back on...
  • NayborBear
    NayborBear reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Take me to your leader.
    When I first was given to believe Jesus Christ I was drawn to a home meeting group of charismatic Pentacostals. It was wonderful, and...
  • M
    memyselfi reacted Winner to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    You have posted what you strongly believe yet the Bible tells us if we say we have faith and there are no works to demonstrate it...
  • M
    memyselfi reacted Winner to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    You have a great responsibility. I will not pretend to have anything worthwhile to say other than I will pray for her, and for you...
  • iamsoandso
    iamsoandso reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Revelation 17:8.
    As for determining what is actual understanding of Revelation and Daniel I try to stay away for it unless it is someting Jesus says...
  • M
    memyselfi reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    Php 3:10 That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings: being made conformable to his...
  • M
    Jesus went on to say that He would divide family members father from daught mother from son and so on……….Allow me to get the exact quote...
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Useful to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    Now, do you know what hallelujah means?
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Informative to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    It means praise the Lord by the intent of many but it is actually translated Praise Yah (Yahweh), so remember every time you say it you...
  • B
    billabong reacted Disagree to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    You ae aware that the Bible was compiled by men, not written, but the collection of writings were put together by men. As for the...
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Funny to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    Again, raining on wet soil.
  • M
    marinerscatch reacted Winner to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    I have begged people who claim they love and believe Jesus to please learn of Him as He invited all to learn of Him...…..they will not...
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Disagree to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    I have begged people who claim they love and believe Jesus to please learn of Him as He invited all to learn of Him...…..they will not...
  • BenFTW
    BenFTW reacted Boring to JaumeJ's post in the thread Am I wrong!?!.
    Had you listened and learned from Jesus you would know exactly what I am saying, but you fhave not, apparently.