Reactions received by JaumeJ

  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    I believe the words of Jesus Yeshua should be sufficient for anyone. Mat 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Happy to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    I am jusst getting to watch this. It is 107 F. today, and I am making short visits to my PC. I do not want it to blow up. The video...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    Great minds! Lol. I freeze my bottled water and then keep itin the door of the fridge. II do drink it so, and the ice , so far, lasts...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    The sea here is over 30 C in many places close to shore and just under 30 C generally. This is unheard of. There should be more...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Happy to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    Great minds! Lol. I freeze my bottled water and then keep itin the door of the fridge. II do drink it so, and the ice , so far, lasts...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Informative to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    The sea here is over 30 C in many places close to shore and just under 30 C generally. This is unheard of. There should be more...
  • TheNarrowPath
    TheNarrowPath reacted Informative to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    God will allow mankind to destroy everything to a point, as mankind has already achieved much destruction of His and our creation...
  • Angela53510
    Jesus Yeshua is the Bread from heaven, born in a town called House of Bread, or, Beitlechem... Bethlehem. We are taqught throughout the...
  • TheNarrowPath
    TheNarrowPath reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Audio Bible.
    Is there any manner of inputting other than only selecting a chapter? I use text aloud, but that is the same as yours is so far. I...
  • Mission21
    Mission21 reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    The op has evolved into a wonderful source of suggesstions for people in bearing with extreme heat. It is wonderful. Praise God, amen.
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    The op has evolved into a wonderful source of suggesstions for people in bearing with extreme heat. It is wonderful. Praise God, amen.
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Happy to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    What you quote as political is a direct reference to what is written in the Word. The earth lies polluted under itss inhabitants for...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    I have heard people point out historic floods , droughts, etc, however they do not see what is in front of them. The droughts are in...
  • Aaron56
    The talents of gold represent the gift of faith, in my understanding given me. When we are given faith, and we share it with others ...
  • D
    Dirtman reacted Dislike to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    God will allow mankind to destroy everything to a point, as mankind has already achieved much destruction of His and our creation...
  • P
    peldom10 reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    God will allow mankind to destroy everything to a point, as mankind has already achieved much destruction of His and our creation...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    God will allow mankind to destroy everything to a point, as mankind has already achieved much destruction of His and our creation...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    Global warming is simply the expression utilized referring to the melt down of glaciers around the world, the two polar thaws, the...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Winner to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    Ice ages? Those would make the earth billions of years old, though they occurred in ore recent times. Either way this means you are...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Funny to JaumeJ's post in the thread Not Quite Yet.
    Hey, either I made a typo, or I am 880 yers old. Naww it is a typo, I am pushing 80. (Did I get it right this time?)