Reactions received by IAm7

  • Flint321
    Flint321 reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    O Yea indeed you will be hated. After all how many will make it to the end?. The Lord said in Luke 18:8b, .."Nevertheless when the Son...
  • reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    O thank you! I forgot to tell you this.. All to the Glory of God!
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    According to scripture we are to Judge. Righteous judgment. 'Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.'...
  • seoulsearch
    '.So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall NOT return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please...
  • reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    According to scripture we are to Judge. Righteous judgment. 'Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.'...
  • Mel85
    '.So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall NOT return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please...
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    Dear, I will keep you in prayer that the Lord gives you direction in everything and removes that fear, anxiety and confusion and gives...
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    Believers need to stop saying, 'my fear, my pain, my this or that' I was in a grocery line and this individual I was talking to kept...
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    I understand but this is what the enemy wants. 'My autism?' ... The Lord heal me years ago of one demonic illness, schizophrenia...
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    Thank you Jesus! ' And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    I understand but this is what the enemy wants. 'My autism?' ... The Lord heal me years ago of one demonic illness, schizophrenia...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    Thank you Jesus! ' And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his...
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    Believe me, we all have them in one way or another!
  • K
    Kojikun reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    This Chat area is like a maze. I go up to the bell up on the corner and chasing the msg to see which one it is. Plus it has four...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    I believe you misread this post
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    I understand but this is what the enemy wants. 'My autism?' ... The Lord heal me years ago of one demonic illness, schizophrenia...
  • Butterflyyy
    Butterflyyy reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread Judgemental.
    Thank you Jesus! ' And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his...
  • reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread IAm7.
    I am new and came aboard yesterday when I google & wanted a Biblical Forum chat. Will I see all kinds of other questions included...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to IAm7's post in the thread IAm7.
    I am new and came aboard yesterday when I google & wanted a Biblical Forum chat. Will I see all kinds of other questions included...