Recent content by HoneyBee

  1. HoneyBee

    19yo looking for help/friends

    Qwerty, please come back! Qwerty came here on September 27, 2024 and left this post. I really want to try to help but I feel helpless to do so because he never came back. He may yet see our posts because when we answer him here, he gets an email notification that we answered his post. All we...
  2. HoneyBee

    Hi!! - New Christian here

    Welcome Aly! :) My name is Honey and I am one of the other teens here. I was saved August 6 of last year. Pretty exciting time. Do you have a good youth group at your church? My youth group helped me a lot. I am a foster kid and this is the first Christian placement I have had. Absolutely...
  3. HoneyBee


    I feel really bad she left. She was a friend. Losing touch with her coincided with the start of school and I made the wrong deduction about why it happened.
  4. HoneyBee


    Remi left us!!!??? She is my friend; I do not want her to leave. I have not seen her since school started but I just figured she was busy with school. I know I have been really busy since school started. Every year seems to add additional homework and such. I shudder to think what college will...
  5. HoneyBee


    Hi Gabrielle! :) I am happy to see another teen join us. I am Honey and I am 17. We have some teens here. We are small in number yet but we are growing. Welcome to ChristianChat. God bless you!
  6. HoneyBee

    19yo looking for help/friends

    I am not pushing; I am encouraging. :) The people who never even go to the intro page obviously are not the ones who help newcomers and make them feel comfortable being here so just let them be. When I first arrived on this site I felt completely lost here. I never had a Christian foster...
  7. HoneyBee

    19yo looking for help/friends

    Hello Qwerty, welcome to our teen forum. There are not a lot of teens here but it does seem to be growing. My name is Honey. I am 17 and I have been here since June 7 of last year and became a Christian about 2 months later. I knew absolutely nothing when I arrived here but many helpful...
  8. HoneyBee

    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    I do not believe there is anything wrong with tattoos but they are just way too permanent. I have never been permanent. I have always bounced from home to home. Permanent is just something I do not believe I can do successfully. Even if I like something now, there is no guaranty I would always...
  9. HoneyBee

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    This is all very confusing. Is there a point to this argument?
  10. HoneyBee


    The only one who can forgive our sins is God so that is the only one we need to go to. The only exception I can think of is: if our sin is against someone else. If my sin hurts someone else, I believe I should go to the one I hurt and ask forgiveness too but I think that is why God gave us a...
  11. HoneyBee

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    I never conceal it and see no reason for anyone to do so. My whole point was: I can not see any reason why I would ever aim it at another person and it can not accidentally harm another person either.
  12. HoneyBee

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    I do not need a gun; I can put an arrow where I want it very accurately and my bow never goes off accidentally. ;)
  13. HoneyBee


    I admire you! You got involved with things you should not have gotten involved with. True. BUT, I see absolutely the correct response in you and in the way you responded to it: guilt, shame and sorrow are hard on us. However, they are great teachers and your response to them is admirable. We...
  14. HoneyBee

    Is it okay to be friends w. the LGBTQ+ community?

    Pretty simple for me... Hanging out with people who promote those things gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. So, it is obviously wrong for me.
  15. HoneyBee

    Society as a whole has a deep hatred for anything teenage girls like, why?

    Does it really matter what other people think when it comes down to what is important to us? I have never been one of the popular girls and I never wanted to be one. From what I have seen, being one comes with way too much compromise. Therefore, I just do NOT care what other people think of the...